RCPO in Přibyslavice, vol. 10787, p. 430: (record in Czech)
Birth/baptism date: 3/3 Aug 1879
Place: #59 (Petrovice)
Name: Maria; female, legitimate;
Father: František Vybíral, “pololáník” (half-plot-land owning farmer) in Petrovice, legitimate son of Jan Vybíral, “pololáník”
in Petrovice and Marie née Číhal; Catholic;
Mother: Františka, legitimate daughter of Jan Jirovský, “gruntovník” (farmstead owner) in Petrovice and Marie,
daughter of Jan Rambousek; Catholic;
Godparents: Jan Jirovský, “gruntovník” in Petrovice;
Maria, his wife;
Baptized by: Frant. Čermak, parish priest;
Midwife: Maria Jirovský at #53 Petrovice, not certified;
From Mirek:
“Notice that the godparents actually were the infant Marie’s maternal grandparents. Again, they most likely were illiterate because they both “signed” just with the sign of three crosses.”
Her siblings born at #59 Petrovice:
No younger siblings were recorded there up to the end of 1886 (p. 454).
– (Vol. 10787, p. 423:) 26/27 May 1877 * Antonín Vybíral; + 21 Mar 1878;
– (Vol. 10787, p. 414:) 14/15 Jun 1874 * František;
– (Vol. 10787, p. 406:) 19/20 Feb 1872 * František; + 25 Apr 1873;
– (Vol. 10787, p. 397:) 8/9 Sep 1869 * Jan; married Františka Krupicová on 16 Aug 1910 in Wahoo, Nebraska, North America (! – M.K.);
– (Vol. 10787, p. 395:) 6/7 Jul 1868 * Maria; + 24 Jul 1868;
– (Vol. 10787, p. 388:) 17/18 Mar 1866 * Josef; paternal great-grandfather is recorded as Sebastian Čihal;
– (Vol. 10787, p. 382:) 3/3 Dec 1864 * Franc; +;
– (Vol. 10787, p. 377:) 25/25 Nov 1862 * Katharina; married Tomáš Kučera in Okříšky on 6 Nov (1920 or 1910 – it is hard to decipher);
From Mirek:
“No more elder siblings were recorded there down to the beginning of 1857 (p. 361).
Another couple started giving birth to children at that house, #59 Petrovice in July 1881: Matěj Dvořák, half-plot-land owning farmer (it means that he was the owner of the farmstead) with another daughter (Josefa *1860 – see below) of Jan Jírovský and Marie Rambousková. For example, their son František Dvořák was born there on 26 Jul 1881 – p. 437.”
From Mirek:
“And now to the marriage of Marie Vybíralová’s parents. You will see how complicated Czech spelling was, even to such an educated person as the priest. Especially the spelling of i/y. The name, Vybíral means “one who took out/selected”. That i/y is impossible to interchange. However, the priest wrote the name twice in the 1861 record – and he spelled it just the opposite ways. And the witness still added another way of spelling!
And let me point out another phenomenon: The ancient spelling of the diphthong “ou” was “au”; it appears, for example, in your ancestral names Rambousek and Kourek, respectively.”
RCPO in Přibyslavice, vol. 10791, Petrovice section p. 63: (record in German)
Date: 26 Nov 1861
Place: #59/#53 Petrowitz
Groom: Franz Wibyral, “Halblähner” (half-plot-land owning farmer) in Petrowitz, legitimate son of Johann Wybiral, still alive and Catholic, “Halblähner” at that same place, and his wife, also still alive and Catholic, Mariana, daughter of + Sebastian Cíhal, “Ganzlähner” (whole-plot-land owning farmer) in Okrischko; Catholic, 22, single;
Bride: Franciska Jirowsky, living at the father’s house in Petrowitz, legitimate daughter of Johan Jirowsky, still alive and Catholic, “Halblähner” at that same place and his wife, also still alive and Catholic, Mariana, daughter of Johan Rambausek, “Halblähner” in Petrowitz; Catholic, 20, single;
Witnesses: Jozef Padrnos, “Ganzlähner” in Petrowitz; Catholic; Jozef Wjbjral, “Halblähner” in Petrowitz; Catholic;
Married by: Sebestian Jelinek, parish priest;
Note: Both the under-age groom and the under-age bride got their fathers’ permissions.
(Signatures!:) Johan Wybyral; Johan Jirowsky;
RCPO in Přibyslavice, vol. 10786, Petrovice section p. 105: (record in German)
Birth/baptism date: 3/3 Nov 1839
Place: #2 (Petrovice)
Name: Franz; male, legitimate;
Father: Johann Wybyral, “Ganzlähner” here; Catholic;
Mother: Mariana, daughter of + Sebastian Cžihal, “Ganzlähner” in Okřischko; Catholic;
Godparents: Johann Paudar, “Halblähner” in Okřischko; Mariana, his wife;
Baptized by: Wenzel Kotzurek, parish priest;
Midwife: Katharina Harmas, #39 here, not certified;
His siblings born in Petrovice:
– (Vol. 10786, p. 112:) 14/15 Jun 1842 * Johann B. (that “B.” most likely means “the Baptist”); #59; father is recorded as the “½ lahner”;
– (Vol. 10786, p. 116:) 5/6 Jul 1845 * Jakob; #59; +;
No more younger siblings were recorded there up to the end of 1853 (p. 135).
– (Vol. 10786, p. 101:) 20/20 Feb 1838 * Mathias; posthumous; #2; the same mother (Mariana, daughter of + Sebastian Cžjhal…) and the same godparents;
Father: Laurenz Urbanek, “Ganzlähner” here; (added later on:) + 7 Dec 1837; Catholic;
– (Vol. 10786, p. 96:) 27 Oct 1835 * Joseph; (added later on:) 22 Apr 1908 (it most likely is his death date);
– (Vol. 10786, p. 91:) 4/5 Apr 1833 * Franz; +;
– (Vol. 10786, p. 87:) 10/11 Mar 1831 * Franz; +;
– (Vol. 10786, p. 81:) 20/21 Dec 1828 * Thomas; +;
– (Vol. 10785, Petrovice section p. 76:) 2/3 Feb 1826 * Mariana;
– (Vol. 10785, p. 72:) 4/4 Jul 1824 * Mariana; (she must have died by February 1826 when another daughter got that same name);
– (Vol. 10785, p. 65:) 20/21 Oct 1821 * Franz; (he must have died by March 1831 …);
Further half-siblings of František (*1839) Vybíral born at #2 Petrovice:
– (Vol. 10786, p. 60:) 16/17 May 1819 * Johann; the same mother (Mariana née Cžihal…) and the same godparents (recorded as Johann Podar and his wife Mariana);
Father: Mathias Sedlak, “Bauer”;
– (Vol. 10786, p. 57:) 13/14 Dec 1817 * Frantz;
No more elder (half-)siblings were recorded there down to the beginning of 1812 (p. 47).