- It was very common to keep naming subsequent babies the same name until one managed to survive, or for siblings and cousins in the same village [or house #] to name their children also after the same ancestors.
- Most frequent cases of different spelling in ancient Czech:
- Like many Slavic countries, the Czech linguistic tradition includes masculine and feminine versions of most traditional surnames. From an English speakers perspective this means that the males and females of the family have what appears to be different last names. As an example, according to Czech grammar, Josef Fila had a daughter and she is referred to as Antonína Filová.
- Female family members will be listed on the pages of their “Birth Name”. If they are/were married, there will be additional information on the pages of her “Married Name”.
- Whenever a female family member is/was married, she will be listed as FirstName MiddleName MarriedName (MAIDENNAME). i.e., my mom is Marie Magdalene Carol Smith (CERNIK). Thus the Maiden Name in all CAPS.
- Any nicknames will be show in quotes. i.e., Bozena “Bessie” Cernik (ZIMOLA).
Professional / Social Status:
Register spelling: | English: |
½ lähn(er) | half-plot-land owning farmer |
Altgeschworne | old juror |
Ausgdler, Ausgedingler | retired |
Bäckmeister | master baker |
Bauer, Baur | farmer |
Bauerin, Bäuerin | farmer’s wife |
bednář | cooper (maker or repairer of casks and barrels) |
Bürger | citizen |
Cazarius | cottager |
čeledín | farm hand |
celolaník, celoláník | whole-plot-land owning farmer |
Chalupner | field cottager |
čtvrtník | quarter-plot-land owning farmer |
domkař | cottager |
Freybauer | free farmer (not subject to e feudal lord) |
Frurlaubter Soldat | soldier on leave |
Ganzbauer, Ganzläh(ner), Gzläh | whole-plot-land owning farmer |
Gemeiner Soldat | private (soldier) |
gruntovník | farmstead owner |
Halblahner, Halblähner | half-plot-land owning farmer |
Häusler, Hsler | cottager |
Hofbauer | privileged farm owner (having only negligible duties to the feudal lord) |
Inman(n), inquilinus, inqvilinus | roomer/subtenant |
Kleinhäusler | small cottager |
Knecht | farm hand |
Lahner | whole-plot-land owning farmer |
Landwehrmann | militiaman |
miles gregarius | private soldier |
Miller, Müller | miller |
Nachbarin | resident (female) |
nadenik, nádeník, nádenník | day laborer |
pololáník, půlláník | half-plot-land owning farmer |
pomocnice | farm hand |
Richter | village J. P. |
rolník, Rust., rusticus | farmer |
Schafmeister | master shepherd |
Thorwartler | gate guard |
Urlauber | soldier on leave |
Viertler, Virtler, Viertellähner | quarter-plot-land owning farmer |
vojin | private (soldier) |
výměnkář | retired |
English | Czech |
January | leden |
February | unor |
March | brezen |
April | duben or dubna |
May | Marenka or kveten |
June | cerven |
July | cervenec |
August | srpen |
September | zari |
October | rijen |
November | listopad |
December | prosinec |
baptized | pokrtit |
birth certificate | rodny list |
bishop | biskupstvi |
Born on | Narozena dne |
brother | bratr |
brother-in-law | svagr |
by birth | rodem |
catholic | Katolicky |
christian | krestny/krestni |
daughter | dcera |
farmer | rolnik |
father | otec |
her | jeji |
Here | zde |
his | jeho |
House number | dome cislo |
illegitimate | nemanzelsky |
married | vdana |
midwife | babou byla |
mother | matka |
name | jmeno |
profession | stav |
Rectory | fara |
religion | nabozenstvi |
residence | bydliste |
sister | sestra |
sister-in-law | svagrova |
son | syn |
sponsor | kmotr |
the second | druhe |
this day | dnes |
thousandth | tisici |
unwed | svobodna |
wedded/ marital | manzelsky |
widow | vdova |
wife | manzelka |