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    3 thoughts on “Contact Me
    1. Nice work Don!

    2. It’s been great reading these stories, Don. Too much for one sitting though. I do remember driving that Mustang once while we still lived in Fremont. It was a 6 cyl. with a 3 spd. floor shift. I thought I was pretty cool in that car until I missed a first to second shift. It was the first floor shift car I ever drove. I thought I blew it up that it revved so high! Thankfully, It didn’t. Of course I didn’t mention that to your Dad when I returned it. I remember your Dad also had a Nash Metropolitan at one time as well. Also, do you remember when Grandpa first started growing soy beans? We never did while I still lived on the farm. In fact, I don’t ever remember hearing of soy beans back then. You guys were around long after we had moved to Florida.

      1. Thanks. Keep coming back as I’m trying to add more each week. Send me stories or photos or editorial comments if you see anything that needs changing.

        As far as the date Grandpa started growing soy beans, I don’t know. I always remember them being grown somewhere on the farm. There really were only Corn, Soy Beans and Milo (Grain Sorghum). We always had to walk both the Milo and the Soy Beans to cut weeds just prior to harvest.

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