Jakob Cžernik 1795 Parish Birth/Baptism Registration

1796 birth record for Jakub Cernik Detail

This is the oldest Černík document found to date.

From the RCPO (Roman Catholic Parish Office) in Červená Lhota, vol. 10158, p. 99: (record in German)
Baptism date: 2 Jun 1796
Place: #14 (Číhalín)
Name: Jakob; Catholic, male, legitimate;
Father: Joseph Cžernik, “Bauer” (farmer);
Mother: Mariana Waskin;
Godparents: Martin Krul, “Schafmeister” (master shepherd) from Racžerowitz;
Maria Sochorin, “Nachbarin” (resident) from Czihalin;
Baptized by: Elias Ossner, assistant priest from Pržibislaw.;

Matěj Černík Feb 19 1872 Birth Certificate house #41 Číhalín, Moravia


Birth and baptismal certificate #32

Margraviate of Moravia Diocese: Brno
Region: Jihlava Deanery: Třebíč
County: Třebíč Parish: Červená Lhota

From the local birth and baptism register, vol. III, p. 158, this is to officially certify that:
Birth/baptism date: 19/19 Feb 1872
Place: House #41 Čihalin
Name: Matěj; Catholic, male, legitimate;
Father: Ján Černík, “pullánik” (half-plot-land owning farmer) in Čihalin; Catholic;
Mother: Rosalia, Catholic, legitimate daughter of Jan Vesely, “celoláník” (whole-plot-land owning farmer) in Čihalin;
Godparents: František Vesely, “celoláník” in Čihalin; Marie, his wife;
Baptized by: Matouš Šimbera, parish priest;
In Červená Lhota on 31 Mar 1875 (Seal of the Červená Lhota parish office) Matouš Šimbera, parish priest

Matěj's 1872 Parish Registration

1872 birth record for Matej Cerník Detail

Matěj’s Birth registration in the Moravian Provincial Archive in Brno, Collection of Vital Registers, RCPO in Červená Lhota, vol. 10160, p. 158: (record in German)


Birth/Baptism date: 19/19 Feb 1872
Place: House #41 (Číhalín)
Name: Mathias; male, legitimate;
Father: Johann Černík, “Halblähner” (half-plot-land owning farmer) in Čihalin, legitimate son of + Jakob Černík,
“Halblähner” in Čihalin, and his + wife Katharina née Stava; Catholic;
Mother: Rosalia, legitimate daughter of + Johann Vesely, “Ganzlähner” in Čihalin and his wife, still alive, Maria née Zapoměl; Catholic;
Godparents: Frantissek Wesely, “Ganzlähner” (whole-plot-land owning farmer) in Čihalin; Marya, his wife;
Baptized by: Matthäus Šimbera, parish priest;
Midwife: Rosalia Kotrba from #40 Čihalin, not certified;

Haus Numer     ==>

Name     ==>

Ueltern     ==>

Bater     ==>

Mutter     ==>

Pathen     ==>

Junio     ==>

House Number







SS Ohio Program 1875

SS Ohio Program1
SS Ohio Program2

1880 Saunders County US Census

1880 Census for Jan and family. Census taker used the “phonetic spelling” of his last name, (Chernick), as provided by Jan. As well as all of the Americanized first names.

John ==> Johann

Rosie ==> Rosalia

Fannie ==> Franciska

unreadable“==> Josefa

Frank ==> Frantisek

John ==> Johann

Annie ==> Anna

Mike ==> Matej

Tony ==> Antonia

Charles ==> Charles (I guess it was pre-Chuck)

Matěj and Mary Černík (VYBÍRAL) August 8th 1896 Marriage License

Matěj and Mary Černík (VYBÍRAL) Marriage License Large -Enhanced

Josefa (ČERNÍK) and Josef Maiwald November 29th 1902 Marriage Certificate

Josefa (ČERNÍK) and Josef Maiwald Marriage Certificate shrunk

Frank Černík 1897 Baptism Certificate

Frank M Cernik Baptism Certificate

Frank Mike Černík World War I 1918 Draft Registration


Frank and Bessie 1922 Marriage License

Frank and Bessie Marriage Certificate-Enhanced-Colorized

Marie Magdalene Carol Cernik Birth Certificate

Marie Černík Birth Certificate-Enhanced-Colorized

Frank and Bessie 1922 Marriage Invitation

Frank and Bessie Wedding Announcement-Repaired-Enhanced-Color-Restored


Mr. and Mrs.
Matej and Marie Cernik
Josef and Antonie Zimola
cordially invite you to attend the marriage of their son and daughter
Mr. Frank M. Cernik
to Miss Bozena Zimola
which will be held on June 19, 1922,
at 12 noon in St. Joseph’s Church
in Colon, Nebr.

After the ceremony, please proceed to the home of the bride’s parents for a reception in honor of the bride and groom.

Marie Smith (CERNIK) Junior Yearbook - 6th Row, 2nd from the right -

Marie C Cernik Junior Year Book Class Photo

Marie Cernik Junior Year Book Glee Club - 5th Row, 5th from the right

Cernik Land Records

1907 Cedar Township Section 34

1907 Center Township Section 34

1907 Center Township Section 13

1907 Center Township Section 11

1907 Center Township Section 10

1907 Center Township Section 4

1907 Center Township Section 8

1918 Farmers Directory listing Cernik Land

1918 Marietta Township Section 31 and 32

1918 Center Township Section 36

1918 Wahoo Township Section 8

1907 Cernik Deed for Marietta Township, Section 32 North 1/2 SW 1/4 and Section 31 South 1/2

1917 Cernik Deed for Center Township, Section 36 North 1/2 SE 1/4

1919 Cernik Deed for Center Township, Section 36 South 1/2 SE 1/4

1931 Cernik Deed for Wahoo Township S5 E 1/2 NW 1/4 and Marietta Township S32 S 1/2 SW 1/4

1967 Saunders County Township Maps

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